Friday, June 29, 2018

Signaletics for Salvation

"The Broken Link," a fast-acting, tactile reminder of "the three sinces" stated in the diagram below, at lower right.
It is a severed chain link. You can get these for free at hardware stores. File off the burrs first.
The core tenets of what I call "Signaletics" are as follows:

  1. Human unhappiness comes from destructive, escalating signaling cycles, usually between two persons. Examples: arguments, feuds, schools of thought, gang wars, revolutions.
  2. The signals exchanged are initially personal expressions of anger.
  3. These expressions are MULTIMODAL, and therefore highly redundant. (e.g., threatening utterances, tones of voice, facial expressions, gait, crashing and banging things, spying, following, etc.) Your anger comes out of you "through every pore."
  4. These signals are too many and varied for conscious control, which is why most people remain enslaved by their signals and cycles.
  5. The many signals of anger all have a common root in the emotion itself, which is where control must be focused.
  6. Anger is fear in disguise.

The flow diagram summarizes the Signaletics solution: a thought cycle called Radical De-escalation. "Radical" is Latin for "root," and the method focuses on the unitary root of your many signals, the emotion of fear, to break the cycle.

Unfortunately, there is another source of Signaletic danger beyond the anger cycle, namely the sadness cycle. The sadness cycle is asymmetric, however; sadness on one side, and contempt on the other. People trapped in this cycle would probably have been described by Stephen Covey, author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," as having the lose-win and win-lose negotiation styles. The treatment proposed here for the anger cycle can hopefully serve as a template for treating the sadness cycle. This is a direction for future research.

Signaletics is based on a home-made theory that could be classified as evolutionary psychology. The anger cycle is presumed to escalate until one of the parties must leave the country. When people are threatened, they seek allies, so all of society eventually gets drawn in and polarized as the escalation proceeds apace, like a black hole. Therefore, it is a group that must eventually leave, not a single individual, which is the basis of the refugee phenomenon. In ecological terms, the refugee phenomenon is clearly sub serving the function of dispersal. However, dispersal-producing behavior is fundamentally altruistic in a backhanded way. The benefit to the supposed loser, the group that eventually gets driven out, is that occasionally they find a newly-emptied vacant habitat in which to settle and therefore can reproduce without competition. This is a tremendous benefit in evolutionary terms and may once have been great enough to redeem all the waste and suffering of human-style dispersal.

However, altruistic behavior cannot evolve in the presence of non-altruists unless a signaling system is established to ensure that altruists are only altruistic to other altruists. That is why I lay so much emphasis on signaling here. I am basically teaching you how to game the dispersal algorithm and act like a non-altruist, but in a good cause: the preservation of civilization. The reason why the signals are so multimodal is that such gaming has probably happened many times in the past and the broken algorithm was repaired each time by natural selection with the addition of yet another signal component. The present solution promises to be permanent, however, because of its focus on the unitary emotion at the root of all these signals.